Big Small Conditionl Cooperative Link to World Steward Home Page Link to Eden Project



»What is bigSMALL?

What is “A Conditional Cooperative”?

How is it organized?

Where are the projects located?

What project criteria will be followed?

Where are the funds held?

What’s in it for me?

Where do I sign up?

How do I let friends and colleagues know about bigSMALL?

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What is bigSMALL?

We believe it’s the first time 25,000 people each have acted with $100 to create an International Watershed Community Conservation Endowment.  The bigSMALL uses personal networks to capitalize local ecosystem and community conservation partnerships. 

Individuals donate small amounts of money to projects with LARGE impacts, creating intergenerational partnerships with communities and the ecosystems that sustain them.   With quarterly participation, our 2006 goal is to fund 4 areas on the planet, reaching an endowment of $10 million dollars, US.

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